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Home / Premium Support:Web Browser Security Check + Smart Registry Cleaner

Premium Support:Web Browser Security Check + Smart Registry Cleaner Premium Support

Premium Support:Web Browser Security Check + Smart Registry Cleaner

Web Browser Security Check:
Way Win will ensure that your browser’s security settings are optimized to help keep you safe while not interfering with your experience online. We’ll check settings for SSL certificates, web content, pop-ups, private browsing, and more!

Smart Registry Cleaner
Speed up your system: Your registry is what the operating system uses to reference where things are and how to use them. Windows and applications do not remove all of the registry entries that they create. So, the registry becomes bloated with unnecessary entries, slowing down your system. To speed up your PC, Way Win can help eliminate malware residuals, invalid uninstall references, broken startup entries, invalid shared resources and a lot of other mess that Windows and other applications leave behind.